brittany. leigh. smith.

Brittany has always been fascinated by the inner workings of consciousness and how to access the portals to our body, mind, and spirit.

She began her studies of Psychology and World Religions at College of Charleston, being particularly drawn to the idea of “religious experiences” or the moments in a person’s life where everything melts away and one connects to their divinity.

Since graduating in 2010, Brittany has dedicated herself to world travel and the study of alternative healing modalities. Her travels have taken her to New York City, Rome, Alaska, and Montana, where she has had the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of humanity, community, and nature.

Brittany is currently living in Nosara, Costa Rica where she enthusiastically shares her extensive knowledge, opening opportunities to explore, be curious, feel emotions in your body, learn new skills, and transcend limiting beliefs by connecting to your divine nature.

Brittany offers several modalities as, together, you walk the journey into yourself:

  • through the body using swimming to improve health, coordination, move stagnant energy, and transcend trauma.

  • through the mind using restorative yoga, meditation, and yoga nidra.

  • through the spirit working with sacred mushroom medicines to step into the unknown and explore the great mystery.

Facilitating holistic healing has been my passion since 2006. I have traveled the world to guide people through the process of transforming their trauma and stagnant energy. Together we explore the spirit’s unknown potential using the tools of nature’s sacred mushroom medicines, restorative yoga, and water work.
— Brittany 🧡

Meet the Team

  • Erica Ramos


    Erica moved to Costa Rica in 2020 with an open heart and an intention to reconnect with all her parts. Working with plant medicine she has not only reconnected with those parts of herself, but discovered new ones that she never knew existed. It is with this new knowledge that she lives her life as prayer and in service of others. Erica is happy to serve you along your journey.

  • Emily Rasowsky


    Emily has been an avid seeker of truth since a young girl. At 14 she was clinically diagnosed with anorexia—a journey that launched her into a divine awakening. She has been healing herself and creating spaces for others to heal themselves ever since. As a yoga teacher and Reiki master at age 18, she has explored many teachings of the stars from astrology and energy work to plant medicines and music as healing, and use those tools to deeply understand herself and others. She has been assisting medicine work for 3 years and can often be found clearing energy with her voice and song. She is honored to be working with this team of healers and guides and cannot wait to support you in your journey.

  • Julie Brožová


    Julie is originally from Czech Republic. Since she was a child her greatest passion has been to create music, compose her own songs and perform. In recent years however, another level has been mixed into her musical creation which is more and more important to her, the healing aspect of music. It is incredible how much therapeutic potential music can have. Especially in connection with medicine and spiritual work. Julie believes that with music it’s possible to make this world a better place.

  • Isabelle Côté-Cohen


    Isabelle is an avid seeker, always asking questions, a keen observer of nature, fascinated by the human being, it’s feelings & behaviors. She has always been drawn to investigating its psychology, philosophy, human interactions, personal growth, spirituality and more.

    A drastic draw to the healing arts suddenly happened around the age of 33 as she was operating her restaurant / bar and lounge in New York, and stress became obvious.

    Since then, she has been enthralled with finding ways of discovering the power of mind, body, emotions and spirit through the dance between movements & stillness.

    In May of 2017, she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis & prescribed daily medications for the rest of her life. This set her on what she describes as her “journey of the wounded healer.” She said no to the medications, and went on a deeper quest for self-healing, through interrogations and inquiries. She loves to inspire through her story of how she healed herself and maintains her vibrancy, living in acceptance of what is.

    Along the path of self-healing, she discovered the wonders of plant medicine journeys, which was another piece of the puzzle that has played and continues to play a significant role in her overall well-being.

    Finding ways to go feel to heal, hold space for the self, move the pain body that has crystallized the cells to transmute them into light & create a space of surrender & love.

  • Jesse Warner


    Jesse Warner is a practitioner of holistic medicine and a U.S. board-certified Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. He moved to Costa Rica in 2023 and has found passion in assisting group and private ceremonies utilizing the potent healing power of plant medicine.

    As an advocate of plant medicine, Jesse has been utilizing psilocybin therapy with clients and finds the benefits of micro and macro dosing to be helpful in overcoming emotional distress, PTSD, depression, anxiety, as well as other chronic and acute emotional symptoms.

    Jesse has a passion for helping others to overcome the obstacles that are blocking their higher-self connection and coaches clients in the process of understanding themselves on the deepest levels possible. Through this work, individuals are able to find their way to the best version of their life, aligning with their dream reality and becoming free of pain, suffering, and fear.

    Jesse is honored to be assisting with group and private ceremonies and holds the medicine in great reverence. To be working on the B-Love team is an even greater honor for him.

    Jesse also takes great pride in holding Divine Masculine space for ceremony groups and his gentle presence is reassuring and comforting, while helping to create a collective energy of excitement, positivity, and joy.

  • Christine Clarke


    Christine is celebrating her 20th year in the helping profession. Working with people who are often at their most vulnerable moments in life, she offers an authentic and compassionate presence in return. Thriving in this field is a culmination of experience and academics as well as her own challenges and the support she received from various professionals over the years. She truly loves her work and takes pride in knowing she can have a positive impact in someone’s life.

    Clients often reflect that from the very first session working with Christine feels different. They feel more comfortable and more informed about what has contributed to the challenges they are facing. Her approach is gentle yet her clients know that she’ll challenge them when needed. She’s serious about the work she does, although not a serious person and clients can expect laughter in session along with the possibility of many other emotions. Working with Christine, clients learn to recognize their own strengths and positive traits and trust their own inner wisdom to create positive change in their lives.

    Christine’s work is integrative and collaborative. She uses various theoretical approaches depending on client interests and goals. Somatic Experiencing is often a part of sessions as it is very useful in addressing trauma and nervous system dysregulation, or in the words of two of her clients : “the game changer for PTSD” and “it gave me my life back”.

  • Marypaz Munay


    Trans-generational psychotherapist, singer and wisdom keeper at the service of Mother Earth.

    Founder of Abundia Salud (IG: @abundia_salud) feminine psycho-alchemy network. Dedicated to accompany humans, specially woman, in their healing, health recovery and transformational processes.

    Facilitator of medicine circles, rituals and workshops that seek to give birth to our wisest and healthiest versions in connection with nature, herbalism, simplicity and the legacy of our ancestors.

    Guardian of cacao medicine ceremonies, sweat lodge altar and leader of Dances of Universal Peace. Promoter of unity and peace.

  • José Gamboa


    José Gamboa, a second-generation musician from Costa Rica, has a musical journey unlike any other. His upbringing, deeply rooted in the world of music and musical instruments, was a gift from his father. Despite not having classical training, José's musical education has been profoundly influenced by his experiences with plant medicine. This unique path has led him to support hundreds of ceremonies, where he has honed his exceptional skills and emerged as a musiquero—a musician dedicated to plant medicine ceremonies.

    Utilizing his God-given talents—his voice, guitar, and various wind instruments such as flutes and harmonica—José has supported the healing journeys of thousands of individuals. His music serves as a vital element in the transformative experiences of these ceremonies, enhancing the connection between participants and the healing power of the plants.

    In addition to his musical prowess, José has a deep relationship with the land. He has been pivotal in establishing permaculture fincas in Costa Rica, where he grows and harvests various plants and herbs, including processing cacao. A passionate beekeeper, José also produces sweet, organic, high-vibrational honey.

    José works closely with the Taitas, especially Taita Carlos and Taita Juanito, within the Yagé tradition. Still, his contributions extend to numerous other ceremonies involving Ayahuasca, mushrooms, and cacao, reflecting his dedication to the sacred path of service.

    José Gamboa is an exceptional individual devoted to his calling of healing and service. His life's work embodies a beautiful harmony of music, nature, and spirituality, making him an invaluable guide and healer in the plant medicine community.

  • Cori Messina

    Cori Messina


    Cori is a transformational coach and certified psychedelic integration practitioner who believes that Life is the Greatest Ceremony of All.

    When it comes to healing and lasting transformation, it is the work you do AFTER the ceremony that plays the biggest role in manifesting your goals, making necessary changes, and creating a new reality that is in alignment with your truth and current level of awareness.

    When used responsibly and with intention, psychedelics can open up new perspectives, deepen awareness, and help people confront and heal deep-seated emotional wounds.

    Cori works with people after a medicine ceremony to not only make sense of their unique experience, but to support them in applying the wisdom and insights to their everyday life in order to create the change they desire.

    It was her own healing journey and life challenges that inspired her to walk this path and do this work. She traveled the world for over a decade studying various healing modalities including behavioral psychology, breathwork, sacred plant medicine, somatic therapy, nervous system regulation, meditation, yoga, and more.

    Healing is not a one-size-fits-all process. It is unique to each individual and unfolds with patience, compassion, and aligned action. There are a variety of modalities to work with and together we will create strategies and systems that work for YOU to create lasting change in your life.

    It is her greatest honor and purpose to support you on your unique healing journey back home to YOU.

    A 30-minute integration session is included for anyone who participates in a B-Love ceremony so don’t hesitate to reach out to Cori to schedule.

  • Ellen Plamp


    Ellen is a Registered Nurse, Reiki Master, Healing Touch Practitioner, Qualified Therapeutic Touch Practitioner. Medical Intuitive, Life Coach, Certified Plant Medicine Integration Coach and Certified Animal Communicator.

    Ellen has a background in Nursing since 1982. Her specialty was in Mental Health and Hospice for 20 years until she retired in 2020. As an RN she has experienced the traditional methods of allopathic medicine and incorporates that into her wide ranging experience with alternative healing methods as well. With her own healing journey beginning 6 years ago, she was able to heal latent Lymes Disease and has experienced profound physical healing not only with psychedelic plant medicines but with everyday herbs too.

    She has been a spiritual coach for 20 years and her interest in working with plant medicines, educating people about their options, and preparing them for ceremonies (if they feel called) has become one of her many passions in this lifetime.

    Ellen has also been practicing since 1996 working within the physical and energetic body of her clients to assess the body's energetic field for blockages and imbalances, to bring the energetic flow back to balance and harmony. As a holistic energetic practitioner, she utilizes a wide range of modalities combined with a channeled healing method Ellen has been working with since 2018. She has facilitated thousands of sessions with the intention of assisting her clients on their journey to self-healing and empowerment as well as deepening their understanding of their own intuitive abilities.

    A 30-minute integration session is included for anyone who participates in a B-Love ceremony so don’t hesitate to reach out to Ellen to schedule.